Peer Pressure. How To Improve Psychological Well Being. If you have ever faced peer pressure or facing it and want its solution, so you are in the right place. Here we will discuss peer pressure, its effects on the human mind and physical health, and different ways to cope with it. Some of you do not even know about peer pressure but are facing it in your lives. Peer pressure is defined as you choose to do something you don’t want to do otherwise, just because you want to be accepted and valued by your friends. In other words, you want to LOOK COOL. You want to fit that environment. 
Peer Pressure


Peer pressure is a problem for all age groups. It is not limited to a specific age group. From teenagers to adults, all are equally enduring this problem. Here are the various examples of peer pressure;

·        Wearing the same branded clothes, ornaments, or hairstyle as their colleagues

·        Watching duplicate famous serials, tv shows or listening to the same music as their friends

·        Try to talk in the same accent or way as their friends

·        Work hard to get grades to fit in the society

·        Hangouts and join dance clubs

·        Breaking rules and bunking class

·        Use mobile phone in class and not pay heed to the lecture

·        Having girl friends/boy friends just to look cool

·        Putting fake statuses on social media platforms

·        Try to adopt a lifestyle that is impossible for someone

·        To have children just after marriage to be proud of inlaw

·        Smoking and alcohol to be a part of society


1.    Low mood, low self-confidence

2.   Aggression in behavior

3.   Anti-social or introvert

4.   Feeling worthless

5.   Social comparisons

6.   Avoiding school, colleges, universities, or family events

7.   Disturbed sleeping pattern


If someone has self-doubt about himself or compromising on his values to fit in with their friends are at risk of getting the victim of this problem. As he is not happy with who he is and his choices and values, is more likely to be influenced by others. If he is introverted and reluctant, to say NO to his friends about the things or activities which make him uncomfortable, is at higher risk of getting the feeling of peer pressure.


  •    Self-confidence; helps to get rid of negative peer pressure so that people can take safe, healthy decisions
  •         Self-compassion; try to love yourself and similarly treat yourself as you want to treat your loved one
  •            The suggestion of no; try to say no if you are not feeling comfortable in a situation, you don’t have time to go to the party, or you don’t have money to go for hangouts
  •         Self contended; be happy with what you have in your life and try to find out   little moments of pleasure and joy in this hectic life
  •         Stick to your roots; never forget your root values, the efforts of your parents, and who you are

  •   Innate abilities; you know you are the best creation on this planet. Try to find out the real you  

                 source: Unsplash
  • In the end, I would like to like to say something which is the whole crux of this topic. Avoid the toxic environment and toxic people who disturbs your mental peace. Don’t let anyone control your emotions. Be the author of your book. Don’t go with the flow like dead fish. Take time to find the truth and make your own way toward your destination.