
Depression is a chronic feeling of dullness, sadness, and emptiness, with no feeling of pleasure without any reason. Depression is quite different from grief and other emotional feelings. Depression is now becoming a major cause of disability across the world. Depression can affect people of any age group like children, teenagers, and adults as well. Depression is also aggravated by certain major life events like job loss, death of near and dear ones, or any traumatic event.


  • Low mood or depressed feelings
  • No pleasure and joyful feelings
  • Lethargic and fatigued
  • Disturbed sleep patterns(insominia or too much sleep)
  • Difficult to concentrate on work or scattered thoughts
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Low self-esteem


Grief is a natural feeling or emotion that every human being express on difficult occasions like losing someone in the form of death or a relationship. Being sad is different from being depressed. There are different risks factors for depression

·        Genetics: Depression runs in families if one of the identical twins is having depression, there are 70 percent chance of the other twin to have depression.

·        Personality: people with low morale and self-confidence are easily overwhelmed and have pessimistic approach toward life.

·        Environmental factors: sexual assaults, domestic abuse, poverty, and violence are major factors for depression.

·        Biochemistry: changes in various chemicals in our body which we call neurotransmitter in scientific terminology plays a major role. Imbalance of these neurotransmitters causes depression.


Depression can be treated with various medications which are basically antidepressants, these are not tranquilizers, sedatives, or habit-forming. These anti depressents only maintain the imbalance of various neurotransmitters in your brain.

Psychotherapy is also available which is also called as talk theray. Psychotherapy is always along with medication therapy.

The best therapy to get rid of depression is self-help .you can do a lot of things. For example; a good healthy diet includes fruits, vegetables, vitamins, essential proteins. A good quality sleep also helps to reduce depression. Try to sleep in a calm and cold dark room to induce sleep. Exercise also influence the most as it alleviates the mood and helps in depression.

Depression is a real psychological illness just like all other medical diseases. We should not ignore depression. We must help people in such situations for the best evaluation and treatment. In this way depressed people will also enjoy quality life and suicidal rates due to depression can also be limited.


Source: pixabay